ID3000 Conventional Panel

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ID3000 Conventional Panel

Features & Benefits:

  • 2-8 Analogue Addressable Loops; each of up to 198 devices
  • 255 Fire zones per panel
  • Fully approved peer to peer network of up to 63 panels
  • Maintains 3 second call point response time over the network
  • Flexible timer functions
  • System sensitivity and functionality can be tailored for the time of day, or day of week
  • Sophisticated cause and effect programming including support for non-fire signals and over-ride capability for smoke control systems


  • LPCB
  • VDS
  • UKAS


The NOTIFIER ID3000 family of fire alarm control panels deliver the power and flexibility to meet the even the most demanding of requirements. From 2 to 8 loops in a single ID3000 panel, to over 500 loops on a network, an ID3000 system offers unrivalled stability, versatility and capacity. When it comes to giving you the earliest possible warning of a potential fire threat, the ID3000 supports NOTIFIERā€™s comprehensive range of detectors, advanced fire detection sensors and loop devices delivering you the most complete and versatile fire alarm system in the market place.

The ID3000 can be programmed to adapt to the different uses of the areas where smoke detectors are installed. A total of 9 different sensitivity levels can be assigned to individual smoke sensors, thereby allowing the system designer to closely match the sensorā€™s response to the environment in which the device is located. This even allows smoke detection to be turned off, leaving heat detection active.